1.We exercise our free will in the present life in response to Prarabdh Karma (Thoughts and actions that we manifest in current life as a result of Sanchita karma).
2. We exercise Free will to create the Agami karma. Is my understanding about what is destiny and freewill correct?
Yes. Free will and destiny are two sides of the same coin. Action done out of today’s free-will is tomorrow’s destiny. What was your free-will yesterday is todays destiny. What you did in the past becomes today’s karma but it also comes with a free-will. Just like a cow is tied around a tree with a rope. Its karma is the rope - that is it’s destiny. To the extent the rope can loosen, the cow can move around the tree - it is its free-will. So the rope is both destiny and free-will. The more one is on the path of knowledge, awareness, wisdom, seva, meditation the more is the free-will ( the lengthier the rope can loosen). Suppose you are stuck in traffic on the freeway, you can say its your destiny. But using your awareness, skill and wisdom, if you can find an alternate route or enhance your capability to maneuver or fly over traffic , then you have the free-will to reach your goal faster. This capability comes being with the Guru on the path of knowledge.