Is karma about keeping your intentions positive or is it about keeping your intention and thoughts neutral?
You can have positive intentions and thoughts. But surrender the intentions and its result whether positive or negative. Any thought, intention or action that creates an impression in your mind is karma. Negative impressions need to be washed away anyway. But Gurudev says surrender the positive too. Gurudev gives a very nice example. We shower everyday to wash the dirt off our body with soap. But we don’t hang onto soap because after a while soap will start giving a foul smell. So we wash away soap also with water. Sign of devotion is uninterrupted sharing . In Bhakti sutras, Gurudev says” Sarvada Sarvbhavena Bhagavanena Bhajaneeya”. Sharing with the divine in all our emotions, thoughts, intentions, actions is a sign of true devotion. Then there is no impression in our consciousness whatsoever.