readily makes my mind over ruke that person's thoughts over mine..
Trying to resist them, I go in self-struggling phase leading to no result as expected!!
You say listening to person A speaking about person B easily overrides your thoughts on person B? Firstly I think its a waste of time speaking about a third person. That apart. Lets say you meet 50 people in a day. All the 50 have 50 different opinions about a person and they are over riding your thoughts 50 times in a day! Can you imagine whats happening to your mind and nervous system? It is going crazy and you probably will end up in a mental asylum. This is because we tend to give too much importance to peoples opinion about ourselves and others. Opinion is just a thought and they keep changing. Today they will say something and tomorrow they will say the exact opposite. Because their own thoughts keep changing. Isn’t so? There are 7.5 billion people on this planet and each have their opinion about you and someone else. You cannot listen to all 7.5 billon opinion! All cannot have the same opinion. Inherently it is because we lack confidence in ourself and therefore we tend to lose to the sense of discrimination and we react instead of just being an observer of peoples opinion. For this you need to be strong. At times you have to be assertive and at times its ok to say No. It is ok to disagree with people. That strength comes from Yoga, ( Do Suryanamaskar) It is good for your solarplexus which increases your confidence and lessen mental gymnastics. Be in knowledge. Meditation helps you to skillfully respond and say a subtle no instead of reacting and getting influenced/carried away by others thoughts. Improve your communication. You can be soft and firm in expressing yourself. Spend time in silence. Go for a long walk or run. This will solidify your personality and make you self reliant