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How to control or stop negative thoughts that are coming in the mind every time or in any situation

and think positive?

Thoughts come and we label them as negative or positive. Our discrimination tells us whether to act to not. Most of the negative thought come to us because of our own set concept/assumption of how people, situations and objects should be. When people, situations and things don’t fit into our assumption/expectation, we tend to think negative. Isn’t so? When we are in a state of sattva and high prana thoughts don’t trouble us. Increase your physical activity, Check your vitamin D level. Negative thoughts and vibration could be due to lack of sunlight. When your blood circulation and digestion is not good, then also negative thoughts come. When negative thoughts come, just accept them. Don’t try to fight with it, but when you realize its your own mind stuff, you don’t have to act on it. You don’t have to make an effort to fight negative (its like fighting the shadow) and think good because good qualities are present in us anyway. We just have to turn towards light, then shadow disappears.

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