All the mistakes are about the past. We all make mistakes and often we either get into either victim consciousness or culprit consciousness. When we get into either of this what follows is depression, hatred, anger, resentment etc. What these things do is spoil the present and when the present is spoiled, one cannot plan for your future. Depression is nothing but mind getting stuck in same old thoughts. Its like an old gramophone needle stuck in groove. When you get into work/action, thoughts subside. When we seclude ourcesleves into a room, more depression follows. When you drive a car, the front shield is the future and past is like a rear view mirror. See the past just when is required and move on. If you drive the car always looking at the rearview mirror, you will land up in an accident. Mistakes are done in a state of ignorance. When you realize this, you are not ignorant anymore. You are a totally different person now. How to get over depression ? Get busy. Step out of your room and start working. Don't neglect your food intake, drink plenty of water. Share with your loved ones about the mistake and move on. A little pinch of the mistake within will not let you do the same mistake again. Practice yoga, pranayama and meditation. Meditation will purge the mind of all the garbage and will keep you fresh every moment. Personally, I give top most importance to cleansing the mind through yoga, pranayama, meditation. Depression is a symptom of low energy level. The more energetic you are, the more easily you can come out of it. Finally, give yourself time. As they say, Time is the best healer.